Elite Option Trader


Elite Option Trader is an investment advisory offered by Hyperion Financial and written by Corey Williams.  The service seeks out short-term, high-return option positions using a variety of fundamental and technical indicators.  At its core, Elite Option Trader focuses on options on stocks that are exhibiting momentum, either up or down.

Elite Option Trader is unique from most option advisories in that we not only discover stocks that are poised to move in one direction or another, but also analyze the option itself (something most services fail to do).

This combination of both fundamental and technical analysis on both the underlying stock and the option has enabled Elite Option Trader to consistently identify successful option trades.


The methodology behind Elite Option Trader involves carefully screening a large universe of stocks and identifying those that are poised for continued movement, either up or down depending on the momentum of the stock.  Once a suitable candidate is found, Corey employs a number of different analytical screens to find only those options that are undervalued relative to the market.

Once both the stock and option have passed the screens, an email is sent out notifying subscribers.  The email contains clear instructions on which options to buy and how much to pay.  Corey also provide key support and resistance levels to help you decide when and where to sell the option.

Meet The Managing Editor

Corey Williams has spent many years in both the financing and credit industries.  Prior to joining Hyperion Financial, Corey worked for a number of financial firms including Desert Hills Bank and Conseco.

This experience gives him an ‘inside’ view of not only the economy as a whole, but also individual subsectors.  In understanding the dynamics of these subsectors, Corey is able to drill-down and really get a handle on which stocks are about to move (either up or down).

Corey is then able to apply his vast options experience to pick the best strategy to maximize profits and minimize risk.

To learn more, click here.

What’s Included With A Subscription

Your subscription to Elite Option Trader includes trade alerts issued via email every 7-14 days depending on market conditions.  You’ll also get his Position Updates sent out every Wednesday afternoon.  This email includes a summary of what’s going on in the markets, upcoming news events, and updates on past recommendations.

Elite Option Trader subscribers also get 7 day a week, 24 hour access to the members section of this website.  Here subscribers have access to current recommendations, the trade archive, position updates, the track record and any special reports that are published.

Additionally, new subscribers receive the Elite Option Trader Operating Manual as well as the informational report, “Options 101:  How and Why to Trade Options”.  These reports describe in greater detail how the service works and how to use Elite Option Trader for maximum profit.

To learn more, click here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions about Elite Option Trader and how it benefits investors the world over.

1.  What is Elite Option Trader?
Elite Option Trader is an investment advisory service published by Hyperion Financial and written by Corey Williams.  It’s designed to identify short-term, high-return option positions using both fundamental and technical analysis on both the underlying stock and the option.  At its core, Elite Option Trader focuses on options on stocks that are exhibiting momentum, either up or down.

2.  How often is Elite Option Trader published?
Elite Option Trader Trade Alerts are generally published every 7-14 days depending on market opportunity.  Position Updates are also distributed every Wednesday afternoon to discuss open positions and provide market analysis and outlook.

3.  What types of investments are recommended in Elite Option Trader?
Corey only recommends the purchase and sale of options (both calls and puts).  There are no spreads, short sales or anything like that.  Further, you do not need an account with margin or any borrowed money.  Thus, a simple options account (with the authorization to buy and sell options) is all you need to utilize the ideas found inElite Option Trader.

4.  Will the performance of Elite Option Trader  be affected by having too many subscribers?
Yes.  As with all of our trading services, once our subscribers’ trades begin “influencing” the market, we will stop accepting new members and start a waiting list.

5.  Can those living in countries outside the US use your system?
Yes, as long as you are able to trade options on the US exchanges.  Most of the larger online options brokers allow those living outside the US to open accounts and trade on the US exchanges.  We have subscribers from countries all around the world including the United States, Canada, Australia, England, New Zealand and many more.

6.  What is the background of your editor, Corey Williams?
Corey Williams has spent many years in both the financing and credit industries.  Prior to joining Hyperion Financial, Corey worked for a number of financial firms including Desert Hills Bank and Conseco.

This experience gives him an ‘inside’ view of not only the economy as a whole, but also individual subsectors.  In understanding the dynamics of these subsectors, Corey is able to drill-down and really get a handle on which stocks are about to move (either up or down).

Corey is then able to apply his vast options experience to pick the best strategy to maximize profits and minimize risk.

7.  How much capital do I need to begin trading the recommendations?
There’s no specific amount of money that you need to dedicate to trading our recommendations.  You should determine what amount is appropriate based on your own personal money management and investment strategy.  The cost of Corey’s individual recommendations range from about $50 up to about $400.

Remember, only use funds that you’ve set aside for speculative purposes.  Never use funds that you might need for food, clothing, the mortgage, rent, transportation, and other necessary living expenses.  Of course, be sure to seek the advice of your broker or financial advisor when determining if any particular investment is suitable for you.

8. What is the average cost of your recommendations?
The average cost of the options we recommend generally range between $50 and $400 per contract.  Keep in mind that the prices quoted in the Trade Alerts are for one option contract.  If you buy more than one contract, you will have to multiply the price times the number of contracts purchased.

9. What broker should I use to trade your option recommendations?
The options recommended by Elite Option Trader can be traded through any options broker.  We have no affiliation with any broker or firm.  We suggest you contact several brokers to find one that best meets your needs.

10. Where can I find more information about options and option trading?
The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) was the first U.S. options exchange and founded the listed options business.  CBOE provides extensive educational information at their website Learning Center.  They offer online tutorials, online courses, an options dictionary, and an online bookstore.

The Options Industry Council’s website is another excellent source of educational information.  The Option Industry Council is a non-profit organization sponsored by the Options Clearing Corporation (OCC) and many of the leading U.S. options exchanges.

11. How much does Elite Option Trader cost?
Elite Option Trader costs just $1495 per year.  That means we’ll bill your credit card every year until you tell us to stop. That way you’ll get uninterrupted service for as long as you want it (and you’re using the service).

The membership fee includes the trade alerts, weekly portfolio updates, and access to our members-only website.  Additionally, you will receive a 22 page Operating Manual and FREE options report to help you quickly get up to speed on successful option trading and how to best use Elite Option Trader.

12. How do I cancel my subscription to Elite Option Trader?
If you ever want to cancel your subscription, just send an email notifying us of your wish to do so.  Your subscription will then run until the end of the subscription period, at which time it will be cancelled.  You will not be rebilled once your subscription ends.  Please note, we do not offer refunds on any of our products.

13. If I sign up today, when will I receive my first Trade Alert or Position Update email?
Occasionally, it can take a few days to get your subscription into our system.  We do make every effort to deliver your first Position Update and Trade Alert as quickly as possible.  Remember too, they’re both posted to the website at the same time we send out the email.  When you first sign-up, you may want to check our website frequently to make sure you don’t miss a Trade Alert or Position Update.

14. Will you respond to questions and comments about the market, the stock recommendations, investment strategy and other similar topics?
Unfortunately, due to US Securities Laws and Regulations, we are not permitted to respond personally to individual questions about the market, individual investments or the investment strategy.  However, questions we receive via email are forwarded to the editor for possible inclusion in future monthly issues and portfolio update emails.

For more information, click here.

15. Where can I get quotes on the options recommended by Elite Option Trader?
Options quotes are available on almost any website or listing that provides quotes for U.S. listed options.  The most convenient place to get a quote will usually be your option broker’s website.  However, there are many websites that provide free option quotes, including:

Yahoo Finance


MSN Money


To learn more, click here.