Whitelist Us
AOL Users
To ensure proper delivery of Hyperion Financial emails to your AOLÂ inbox, please follow the following steps:
1. Send a blank email from your AOL email account to
2. Go to Keyword Mail Controls.
3. Select the screen name we’re sending Hyperion Financial emails to.
4. Click ‘Customize Mail Controls’ for this screen name (now go to step 5 depending on which version of AOL you’re using).
5. For AOL version 9.0: You need to add our sending address to your “People I Know” list.
Open the latest Hyperion Financial e-mail.
Click the ‘Add Address’ button (on the right) to add Hyperion Financial to your “People I Know” list.
5. For AOL version 8.0: Select ‘Allow email from all AOL members’, email addresses and domains’.
Click ‘Next’ until the ‘Save’ button shows up at the bottom.
Click ‘Save’.
5. For AOL version 7.0: In the section for ‘exclusion and inclusion parameters’, include these domains: