SET Monthly Issues

SET Monthly Issue April 2010
April 2010 CAN THE MARKET CONTINUE ITS AMAZING “MELT UP”? I love it when I see terms like “melt up” being tossed around by the media. It just oozes contempt for the current bull market rally. It tells me there are still plenty of people who think they’re smarter than everybody else (and the market). […]

SET Monthly Issue March 2010
March 2010 THE “STEALTH” RALLY MARCHES ONWARD AND UPWARD The bull market’s taken off again. Key sectors are breaking out to new highs. Clearly this bull has more room to run! But if you’re only watching the broad market indexes, you might have missed it. That’s because the Dow and the S&P 500 haven’t eclipsed […]

SET Monthly Issue February 2010
February 2010 IT’S TIME TO GET BACK TO BASICS The stock market’s made its first significant correction since it began an incredible rally last March. There’s been no place to hide as every sector in the S&P 500 fell in the last month. In fact, the S&P 500 is now back at levels we first […]

SET Monthly Issue January 2010
January 2010 TWO TYPES OF TECHNOLOGY READY TO EXPLODE IN 2010 As 2010 gets underway, the markets continue marching higher. The S&P 500, Dow, and NASDAQ are all at or near 52-week highs. It’s really mind blowing how far the markets have come without a major correction… As the market rally progresses, two things have […]

SET Monthly Issue December 2009
December 2009 A LITTLE END OF YEAR HOLIDAY CHEER! As 2009 comes to a close, I want to wish you and your family happy holidays and a successful New Year. The three major indexes (Dow, S&P 500, and NASDAQ) are all rallying to new highs in the last month. The S&P 500 is hitting resistance […]

SET Monthly Issue November 2009
November 2009 DOES THE “V” PATTERN HAVE LEGS? At this point it’s clear – the recession’s over. We’re in the midst of a ‘V’ shaped recovery. But there are still skeptics who contend it is all smoke and mirrors. They think the recovery will fail and the stock market will crash again. The scenario many […]

SET Monthly Issue October 2009
October 2009 MORE SIGNS OF A RECOVERY – PUT THEM TO WORK FOR YOU We’re in the thick of earnings season again… so far so good. This earnings season I’m focusing on top line revenue growth. Q2 numbers were all about beating analyst estimates through deep cost cutting measures. That’s all fine and well, but […]

SET Monthly Issue September 2009
September 2009 THE RECESSION’S OVER – WHERE WILL THE MONEY GO? Wow… That’s the only word to describe the roll the stock market’s on. We’re now into the sixth straight month of unbelievable gains. The S&P 500’s up 57% from the March low. What makes this rally so unbelievable is the absence of a significant […]

SET Monthly Issue August 2009
August 2009 THE “NEW NORMAL” FOR THE AMERICAN CONSUMER Just the other day, I was taking a trip to the mall. My Gold Toes were looking like Swiss-cheese… I needed new socks. After grabbing a few new pairs of socks, I walked to the sales counter. I’m never one to pass up an opportunity to […]

SET Monthly Issue July 2009
July 2009 WILL THE REAL STIMULUS MONEY PLEASE STAND UP I’ve got a confession to make. My usual optimism has taken a beating lately. Have I misjudged how the business cycle will look during recovery? Should we sell everything and run for the hills? Well, not exactly. Let me explain. What we have here is, […]