TPS Trade Alert

TPS Trade Alert – May 14, 2015
Recommendation: Buy Ascent Solar Technologies (NASD: ASTI) up to $1.10 per share. Trade Rationale: There’s a standard theme to my trades – I’m sure you’ve noticed if you’ve been a subscriber for any length of time. In a nutshell, I’m looking for undervalued companies with some sort of catalyst for an upward move. It […]

TPS Trade Alert – April 24, 2015
Recommendation: Buy Goldfield (AMEX: GV) up to $1.85 per share. Trade Rationale: Investing in microcap stocks can be challenging for multiple reasons. After all, a company doesn’t tend to trade below $2 per share unless there are some major issues. Sometimes it’s nothing more than the size of the company or limited growth prospects. […]

TPS Trade Alert – April 17, 2015
Recommendation: Buy Finjan Holdings (NASDAQ: FNJN) up to $1.80 per share. Trade Rationale: Cybersecurity. It’s one of the biggest issues facing both businesses and consumers as we progress into the 21st century. Just this week, I had a credit card number stolen from me, mostly likely from an online thief. I had to cancel […]

TPS Trade Alert – March 27, 2015
Recommendation: Buy Superconductor Technologies (NASDAQ: SCON) up to $1.55 per share. Trade Rationale: Microcap technologies companies can be an interesting challenge when it comes to investing. On one hand, these types of companies typically don’t have very good fundamentals. Revenues are generally low, income non-existent, and costs can be high. Moreover, funding for microcaps […]

TPS Trade Alert – March 19, 2015
Recommendation: Buy Ocean Power Technologies (NASDAQ: OPTT) up to $0.56 per share. Trade Rationale: Lately, I’ve been avoiding energy companies like the plague. We’ve even gone so far as to sell the vast majority of energy related companies from our portfolio. The ultra-low price of oil has really dried up potential profits in the […]

TPS Trade Alert – February 27, 2015
Recommendation: Buy Flexible Solutions International (AMEX: FSI) up to $1.35 per share. Trade Rationale: Finding good microcap stocks to invest in can be a challenge. After all, they wouldn’t be trading so cheaply if they were well-known companies with few issues. The question is, what sorts of problems should you overlook and what types […]

TPS Trade Alert – February 17, 2015
Recommendation: Buy Smart Technologies (NASDAQ: SMT) up to $1.50 per share. Trade Rationale: It seems like there’s always some kind of debate raging about education. How do we find good teachers? What kind of testing should kids endure? How much should college cost? And so on… One of the latest topics on education revolves […]

TPS Trade Alert – January 27, 2015
Recommendation: Buy Platinum Group Metals (AMEX: PLG) up to $0.60 per share. Trade Rationale: So far, the biggest theme of 2015 has been the plunging price of commodities. It’s not just crude oil (down 13% so far this year). Copper, lean hogs, wheat, and heating oil are all down at least 10%. Live cattle, […]

TPS Trade Alert – January 7, 2015
Recommendation: Buy Arch Coal (NYSE: ACI) up to $1.65 per share. Trade Rationale: We’re going to kick off 2015 by adding a coal stock to our portfolio. Wait, what? Isn’t coal supposed to be dead? Okay, so coal is most likely never again going to be the dominant source of energy in the US. […]

TPS Trade Alert – December 11, 2014
December 11, 2014 Recommendation: Buy Liquid Holdings Group (NASDAQ: LIQD) up to $1.10 per share. Trade Rationale: One of the most divisive subjects in investments is the benefit (or lack thereof) of hedge funds. Some investors hail hedge funds as the best thing since sliced bread. Others believe hedge funds do more harm than good. […]