Brian Kent
Brian Kent's Latest Posts

TPS Trade Alert – October 20, 2015
Recommendation: Buy iPass Inc. (NASD: $IPAS) up to $1.05 per share. Profile: iPass is in the Wi-Fi business. It provides connectivity as a hosted cloud service with 20 million hotspots in airports, hotels, airplanes, and public areas in 120+ countries. The firm was founded in 1996. It started off providing internet dial-up service, evolved […]

TPS Position Update – October 13, 2015
. . . . Superconductor Technologies (NASD: $SCON) – Sell Superconductor Technologies has run into trouble. It’s time for us to leave and sell our positions. Last week, the company tried to raise much needed money, $9.5 million with a new stock offering. It priced the shares at $0.35. A year ago, the stock traded […]

TPS Position Update – October 6, 2015
. . . . Smart Technologies (NASD: $SMT) – Sell It’s time to say goodbye. Smart Technologies doesn’t appear able to shift its business in the new direction it needs. The market for the company’s core product, interactive whiteboards, never took off. The four new initiatives at Smart Technologies don’t seem to be taking off […]

TPS Position Update – September 1, 2015
. . . . ASECENT SOLAR TECHNOLOGIES (NASD: $ASTI) – Sell Two weeks ago we were patient. But the time has come to take our losses and move on. We have reconsidered the Q2 earnings growth, which we looked on favorably, and the harder we look, the more convinced we are this level of growth […]

TPS Position Update – August 25, 2015
***A Special Message*** Given the market’s recent gyrations, we thought some perspective from one of the most successful investors of the 20th century would be appropriate. Benjamin Graham was Warren Buffet’s mentor, and Buffet’s first boss. Graham wrote… The most realistic distinction between the investor and the speculator is found in their attitude toward stock-market […]

TPS Position Update – August 18, 2015
. . . . ASCENT SOLAR TECHNOLOGIES (AMEX: $ASTI) – Hold Ascent develops rugged and flexible thin-film photovoltaic modules to compete against traditional solar panels. They can be integrated directly into consumer products and off-grid applications, as well as aircraft and buildings. We continue to admire the product, and we’re glad to see Ascent is […]

TPS Trade Alert – August 11, 2015
Recommendation: Buy THE MCCLATCHY CO. (NYSE: $MNI) up to $1.10 per share. The Opportunity: It’s not often we find a penny stock that’s been around since 1860, and it’s not often we find a company that’s been in business 155 years looking to tie its future to the internet. McClatchy Company owns 29 daily […]

TPS Position Update – August 5, 2015
. . . . INUVO (AMEX: $INUV) – Hold It’s been a good year for the stock. We recommended Inuvo in October 2014 at a buy price of $1.43, and right now it’s trading at $2.81. Is it time to take your money off the table? I’m inclined to hold, and here’s why. In a […]

TPS Position Update – July 28, 2015
. . . . Ocean Power Technologies (NASD: OPTT) – Hold We recommended OPTT in March at a buy price of $0.47. It’s a fascinating company… it builds equipment to generate renewable power from ocean waves. The core product is called a PowerBuoy. We were not happy to see a $13.2 million net loss for […]

TPS Trade Alert – July 22, 2015
Recommendation: Buy 22nd Century Group (NYSE: $XXII) up to $0.95 per share. The Opportunity: Biotechnology usually scares us off. We don’t like to invest in complicated things we don’t understand, and biotechnology definitely gets complicated. But we’ve found a small company that is taking complicated science and using it to achieve a simple result. […]