PSB Monthly Issues

PSB Monthly Issue November 2015
A Biotech Company That’s Changing The Way Humans Heal! This month we’re uncovering an exciting biotech company with a fantastic new product. Not for the faint of heart, this exciting company is producing implant products that could change how humans heal! Consider this, the orthopedic industry is estimated to be $35 billion in size, lead […]

PSB Monthly Issue October 2015
The 5 Riskiest Trades You Can Make This Year… This month I’m going out on a limb. Ok… Not so much a limb, as a thin wire that’s fraying at the edges. This month I’m proposing we make one of the riskiest trades I’ve ever recommended. As a matter of fact, let me start out with […]

PSB Monthly Issue September 2015
Does History Repeat It Self? For This Company History Means Profits! Once again, we’re digging into the archives and pulling out pure GOLD! Back in November 2008, the world was a mess. We wrote about two companies… Primedia, which was subsequently bought out, but not before we saw a 514% gain. The other company was […]

PSB Monthly Issue August 2015
Time For A Second Bite At The Apple… This Materials Company is Poised to Jump! We’re digging into the archives on this trade. Back in December of 2009, we wrote up a specialty chemical company in a turnaround situation. The management team turned in a decent performance and the stock price moved higher. We were able […]

PSB Monthly Issue July 2015
Homebuilding Is Sky Rocketing… This Company Is Poised For 200% Gains Or MORE! Right now the weather in Phoenix is heating up. Do you know what else is heating up? Construction! I know construction’s heating up because I see it. When I’m out running errands, I’m constantly getting stuck behind those big construction trucks hauling […]

PSB Monthly Issue June 2015
Invest In The Company That Maximizes The Internet’s Impact On Local Business There are hundreds of thousands of small service businesses in the US. There are over 325 million people in the US as well. Now clearly, all those businesses exist to service America’s large and growing population. The biggest problem of course, is matching […]

PSB Monthly Issue May 2015
Don’t Toy Around, Invest In This Company One of the side effects of having small children is how you suddenly become experts on the toy market. You know what toys and games are hot, and what all the kids want. Between birthday parties, store visits, and commercials, it’s easy to see what the latest “it” […]

PSB Monthly Issue April 2015
Invest In The Next Big Thing In Digital Advertising Advertising has always been a vital aspect of selling a product or service. There’s a crazy amount of money spent worldwide on ad campaigns each and every year. And it’s no wonder… ads are often one of the primary methods of gaining new customers. However, the […]

PSB Monthly Issue March 2015
INVEST IN THIS RENEWABLE ENERGY COMPANY TO GET AHEAD OF THE CROWD One of the interesting consequences of cheap oil is how it will impact investments in renewable energy. You don’t have to look far to see the naysayers claiming that renewable energy is dead with oil so cheap (and apparently abundant). But that’s missing […]

PSB Monthly Issue February 2015
February 2015 INVEST IN THE NEWEST METHOD OF MOBILE INTERNET ADVERTISING Internet advertising has become a massive industry. In 2014, companies spent about $150 billion globally on online ads. And, spending is growing at over 15% per year. As you can imagine, Internet advertising is also huge in the US. In fact, American companies make […]