PSB Monthly Issues

PSB Monthly Issue January 2015
January 2015 INVESTING IN THIS COMPANY BUYS YOU A PIECE OF SOME OF THE TOP INTERNET SITES IN THE US Sometimes, I think it’s easy for investors to forget just how big the Internet is. Yes, most people realize you can find just about anything you want on the Web. But, they don’t understand […]

PSB Monthly Issue December 2014
December 2014 THIS COMPANY MAY HOLD THE KEY TO PROFITING FROM MOBILE GAMING Of all the changes brought about by the widespread adoption of mobile technology, perhaps nothing has been more impressive than the growth of mobile gaming. In fact, some analysts believe mobile gaming could be a $100 billion global industry within the next […]

PSB Monthly Issue November 2014
November 2014 INVEST IN THIS COMPANY AND YOU MAY NEVER CARRY CASH AGAIN Okay, here’s a situation you’re probably familiar with… You just got done at the gym or went for a walk on a hot day, and you’re parched. Fortunately, you see a vending machine offering ice cold drinks just around the corner. As […]

PSB Monthly Issue October 2014
October 2014 INVEST IN THIS COMPANY TO PROFIT FROM THE BIGGEST FINANCIAL MARKET IN THE WORLD When thinking about trading and investing, most people’s first thought is “stocks”. Maybe some people think of bonds or commodities, but by and large, it’s all about the stock market. Here’s the thing… There’s a much bigger financial market […]

PSB Monthly Issue September 2014
September 2014 LEASING AND FINANCING BUSINESSES NEED THE BEST SOFTWARE TO SUCCEED Getting a loan can be a complicated process, as many consumers and businesses know all too well. That goes whether it’s a person getting a car or home loan, or a business getting a loan on equipment. The loan process is basically the […]

PSB Monthly Issue August 2014
August 2014 THE EXPLOSIVE GROWTH IN ONLINE VIDEO IS GREAT NEWS FOR THIS COMPANY There’s no denying the power of online video. More and more, consumers have become reliant on web-based video for media, marketing, and more. Just take a look at some of these stats… In January of 2014, 190 million Americans watched an […]

PSB Monthly Issue July 2014
July 2014 THE COMING SHIFT TO AMERICAN OIL WILL BOOST THIS COMPANY Well, gas prices weren’t going to stay low forever, right? We’re used to gasoline prices going up in the summer driving season, but this is different. Of course, this time prices are climbing because of civil war in Iraq. Of the geopolitical hot […]

PSB Monthly Issue June 2014
June 2014 IT’S TIME FOR INVESTORS TO TAKE ANOTHER LOOK AT COPPER Back during the commodity boom of 2011, it was commonplace to hear about the price action of corn and cotton – almost as much as you’d hear about the traditionally more popular gold and oil. That was then. These days, commodities have mostly […]

PSB Monthly Issue May 2014
May 2014 SAVVY INVESTORS KNOW INVESTING IN INFRASTRUCTURE CAN LEAD TO BIG PROFITS One of the smartest yet most overlooked areas to invest in is infrastructure – in just about any industry. Sure, most investors understand pipelines are necessary for oil and gas to be distributed. But what about other industries? Don’t most goods and […]

PSB Monthly Issue April 2014
April 2014 THIS COMPANY WILL THRIVE OFF OF A MASSIVE, UNDERSERVED MARKET Small businesses continue to provide some of the best investing opportunities in the market. We’ve focused on this area before, and we still believe the massive small business market is underserved by corporate America. For instance, small businesses accounted for more than 75% […]