SET Monthly Issues

SET Monthly Issue December 2011
December 2011 WILL THE NEW YEAR BE A GOOD YEAR? The New Year is right around the corner. And the question on everyone’s mind is… will stocks get a Santa Claus rally? I’m afraid the odds aren’t looking too good. There are only seven trading days left before we close out this wild year. And […]

SET Monthly Issue November 2011
November 2011 EUROPEAN CONTAGION Well, it was fun while it lasted. The S&P 500 moved higher five out of the last six weeks. The large cap index is up more than 10% over that time. Clearly, stocks have had an impressive rally. Will it last? Unfortunately, the outlook isn’t good. Remember, the catalyst for the […]

SET Monthly Issue October 2011
October 2011 RISK ON OR RISK OFF? It’s earnings season! Finally, we can get away from all of the negative macroeconomic stuff… You know, all the really fun stuff like a credit crisis in Europe, a recession in the US, and a manufacturing slowdown in China. It seems like it’s all we’ve talked about for […]

SET Monthly Issue September 2011
September 2011 SKATING ON THIN ICE Believe it or not, stocks rose this month. In fact, all nine of the sectors we track posted gains since we published the August issue of Sector ETF Trader. Obviously, it’s good to see stocks rebound after the beating they took in late July and early August. But it’s […]

SET Monthly Issue August 2011
August 2011 WILL THE GLOBAL ECONOMY SINK OR SWIM? Let’s face it. I jumped the gun with my bullish call on the markets last month. Obviously, an 18% correction in the S&P 500 is anything but bullish. Yet, that’s exactly what happened from July 21st to August 9th. The S&P 500 shed 247 points as […]

SET Monthly Issue July 2011
July 2011 IS THERE A CURE FOR THE 24 HOUR NEWS CYCLE? Prepare yourself for a bumpy ride… because stocks are stuck in the 24 hour news cycle. It’s a story that’s played out time and time again this summer. One day stocks are up with good news. And the next day stocks are down […]

SET Monthly Issue June 2011
June 2011 BATTEN DOWN THE HATCHES I’ve got some bad news… The second half recovery isn’t going to happen. I’ll explain why in a moment. But first a little background… First off, Fed Chairman Bernanke is bullish on the US economy. He’s on record forecasting US economic growth of better than 3% in the second […]

SET Monthly Issue May 2011
May 2011 HEALTHCARE STOCKS ARE HEATING UP “Sell in May and go away.” This old Wall Street saying is a bit cliché. But there’s no denying we often see a seasonal shift in market activity. It’s uncanny how frequently stocks slump from May through October. And this summer is shaping up to follow in the […]

SET Monthly Issue April 2011
April 2011 DEFENSIVE SECTORS ROTATE TO THE FOREFRONT It’s been quite a ride… Simply put, the bull market off the March 2009 lows is impressive. The rally has vaulted the S&P 500 from 666 to a recent high of 1,344. That means large cap stocks more than doubled in just two years… That’s damn impressive. […]

SET Monthly Issue March 2011
March 2011 “BI-WINNING” BULL MARKET TURNS 2 YEARS OLD I have to admit something… And I’m not proud of it. I’m thoroughly entertained by Charlie Sheen. Have you heard the things the movie and television star has said lately? It’s been hard to miss… He’s dominating the entertainment headlines lately. And I can’t get enough. […]